2024 Candidate Questionnaire Responses
Voice of the People Action is asking all U.S. House and Senate candidates to complete our questionnaire about how, if elected, they will listen to the people as a whole.
Many candidates have already answered. To view responses, click on the candidate’s name below.
Congresswoman Alma Adams (D-NC-12)
Joseph Alfonso (D-MI-4)
Moe H. Barakat (R-MD)
Callie Barr (D-MI-1)
Nasser Beydoun (D-MI)
Carl Boyanton (R-MS-4)
Nate Cain (R-WV-2)
Lana Centonze (R-TX-18)
Andrei Cherny (D-AZ-1)
Bill Conrad (R-NV)
Andrea Crooms (D-MD-5)
Karen Crnkovich (R-KS-3)
Elsa Duranceau (D-WI-7)
Glenn Elliott (D-WV)
Mike Felker (R-IN-3)
Peter Filler (D-TX-2)
Rodney Govens (D-AR-1)
Cameron Hamilton (R-VA-7)
Kevin Hamm (D-MT-2)
Hill Harper (D-MI-Senate)
Shawn Harris (D-GA-14)
John Hearton (R-FL-8)
Steven Holden (D-NY-21)
Richard Holtorf (R-CO-4)
Sarah Klee Hood (D-NY-22)
Kristin Hook (D-TX-21)
Andrew Horning (Libertarian-IN)
Trey Hunt (D-TX-12)
Robert Hyde (I-CT-Senate)
Chris Hyser (R-MD-6)
Laura Jones (D-TX-8)
Ronda Kennedy (R-NV-Senate)
Jon Kenworthy (R-IN-3)
Kyle Kilbourn (D-WI-7)
David Kim (D-CA-34)
Joyce Lacey (I-MN)
Congressman Nick Lalota (R-NY-1)
Congresswoman Summer Lee (D-PA-12)
Tanya Lloyd (D-TX-27)
Dr. Bob Lorinser (D-MI-1)
Mel Manuel (D-LA-1)
Jim Marchant (R-NV-Senate)
Carl Marlinga (D-MI-10)
Tekesha Martinez (D-MD-6)
Randi McCallian (D-MO-8)
Michael McGill (R-MS-4)
Janet McNulty (R-WV-Senate)
Ryan Melton (D-IA- 4)
Dr. Willie Montague (D-FL-10)
Patrick D. Munro (R-MN)
Jon Myers (R-VA-7)
John A. Myrick (R-MD)
Gabriel Njinimbot (D-MD-4)
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC)
Blessing Oluwadare (D-MD-1)
John Padora (D-CO-4)
Dr. Neelam Taneja Perry (R-FL-14)
Qasim Rashid (D-IL-11)
Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV)
Brian Rouleau (WFP-NY-21)
Anthony Sabatini (R-FL-11)
Joe Salerno (D-NJ-2)
Diane Sare (D-NY)
Steve Schiffman (R-NV-3)
Nirav Sheth (R-WA-10)
Zachary Shrewsbury (D-WV)
Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin (D-MI-Senate)
Chuck Smith (R-VA)
Congresswoman Victoria Spartz (R-IN-05)
Sandeep Srivastava (D-TX-3)
Shaliek Tarpley (R-VA-7)
Tiffany Tilley (D-MI-8)
Monica Tranel (D-MT-1)
Ron Tupa (I-CO-7)
Joe Vogel (D-MD-6)
Amy Washburn (D-WI-6)
James Wiley (L-CO-3)
Eric Wilson (D-WI-3)
Adam Withrow (I-CO-3)
Steven Wright (R-TX-35)
Rubin Young (R-FL-25)
Jeff Zink (R-AZ-3)